Digivolve: 1 from [Gallantmon][When Digivolving] Delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with the lowest DP. If no Digimon is deleted by this effect, unsuspend this Digimon. [Your Turn][Once Per Turn] When an opponent's Digimon is deleted, if [Gallantmon] or [X Antibody] is in this Digimon's digivolution cards, trash the top card of your opponent's security stack.
NM-Mint Foil - $10.00
Lightly Played Foil - $9.00
Moderately Played Foil - $8.00
Heavily Played Foil - $7.00
Damaged Foil - $5.00
NM-Mint Foil Non English - $10.00
Lightly Played Foil Non English - $9.00
Moderately Played Foil Non English - $8.00
Heavily Played Foil Non English - $7.00
Damaged Foil Non English - $5.00